API documentation

Connecting your device to our REST API is very easy !!

Notarize data

Just call the tssApi function, personalizing its 3 parameters: userId, apiKey and data.

In javascript/nodejs, just copy and paste this code:

// you only have to personalize these 3 values:
const userId  = '10';                                                                // get your API User Number at https://console.timestampserver.com
const apiKey  = '76d90aa07f4e44a233a756bc47cb5215dc3329ca7e1f7be33a2dad68990bb94b';  // get your API key         at https://console.timestampserver.com
const data    = 'this is the data string you want to certify on the Blockchain';      // data string

// and call the API function:
tssApi(userId, apiKey, data);

// function definition
async function tssApi(userId, apiKey, data) {
  try {
    // token
    const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
    const token	= 'Bearer ' + jwt.sign({"data": data}, apiKey, { algorithm: 'HS256', expiresIn: '10m'});
    // http request
    const axios = require('axios');
    let obj = {};
        obj.url                     = 'https://api.timestampserver.com/v1/post';
        obj.port                    = 3000;
        obj.method                  = 'post';
        obj.headers                 = {};
        obj.headers.User            = '' + userId;
        obj.headers.Authorization   = '' + token;
        obj.headers["Content-Type"] = 'application/json';
        obj.data                    = {};
    const response = await axios(obj);
	// do whatever you want with the response, i.e.:
	return response;
  catch (error) {
    // do whatever you want to catch the response error, i.e.:

If everything goes right, the function will return a response object with the "txid" (the Bitcoin transaction ID) in the response.data.txid property.
If any error happened, the function will return a response object with the details of the error.

In this example we have used 2 external modules:

These modules need to be installed in your folder project prior to calling the tssApi function.

You can install them calling NPM in your command line:

npm install jsonwebtoken axios

You can upload up to 5555 bytes of data in each HTTP request to our API.
If you need bigger data size, please contact us !!


Check notarization

You can check the notarized data sending a HTTPS GET request to the endpoint https://api.timestampserver.com/v1/get/txid
setting the parameter txid to <txid> (the txid of the notarization you want to check).

In javascript/nodejs, just copy and paste this code:

// you only have to personalize 1 parameter:
const txid  = 'cf5aafbd3b14fa3a69ae1bd1a4d71465a04337ff44b76ea0e6133239ff7752a0';

// call the function:

// function definition
async function checkNotarization(txid) {
  try {
    // http request
    const axios = require('axios');
    let obj = {};
        obj.url                     = 'https://api.timestampserver.com/v1/get/txid/?txid=' + txid;
        obj.port                    = 3000;
        obj.method                  = 'GET';
    const response = await axios(obj);
    // do whatever you want with the response, i.e.:
      //  {
      //    txid: 'cf5aafbd3b14fa3a69ae1bd1a4d71465a04337ff44b76ea0e6133239ff7752a0',
      //    network: 'mainnet',
      //    datetime: '2022-09-06T18:42:02.000Z',
      //    data: '7b896d3bc9654981de44087f907090b54ed1e2d562e3d377a6143f6354eb1fdd 543426369119'
      //  }
    return response;
  catch (error) {
    // do whatever you want to catch the response error, i.e.:

You can also check the notarized data of a transaction ID (txid) from your browser.
For example, to get the data from txid cf5aafbd3b14fa3a69ae1bd1a4d71465a04337ff44b76ea0e6133239ff7752a0, type:




You can check if the TimeStampServer REST API endpoint is running
sending a HTTPS GET request to
(or accessing from your browser to):



Last notarization

You can check the last transaction submitted from TimeStampServer REST API to the Blockchain nodes
sending a HTTPS GET request to
(or accessing from your browser to):

